Hi, we are using your API for searching polygon locations for our website. It was working everything how it was supposed to, but unfortunately recently often there is a problem. We are directly using your API https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search.php and sometimes we have Access-Control-Allow-Origin. This is an urgent matter for us so please, advise us on how to solve the issue or tell us why is happening? There is also a problem when we try to search on https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/ui/search.html?q=New+York, here screenshot https://prnt.sc/1xdxzc5. Thank you. |
There is a known issue with OSM's Nominatim servers at the moment - see https://github.com/osm-search/Nominatim/issues/2485 .
If this is urgent for you, you shouldn't be using the volunteer-run OpenStreetMap servers. These are run on a best-effort basis with no uptime guarantees, and subject to a usage policy which can change without notice. If you need a service with reliable uptime, you should find a commercial provider running an instance of Nominatim. Thank you for your answer, could you please recommend us commercial provider running an instance of Nominatim?
(27 Oct '21, 08:12)