I searched this forum but found nothing. Also documentation on render_list seems to be missing, where can I find that? This is my output from render_list:
I tried lots of different ways to call render_list but always this result. I also checked with htop, no cpu or memory activity. Any help is welcome, thanks. |
Although "render_list" isn't directly mentioned by the switch2osm documentation, I've just tested it on a Debian 11 server set up according to those instructions. When I run
I get tiles at zoom levels 0-6 rendered as expected. The "s2o" in that command refers to the entry in "renderd.conf" that I want to render tiles for, and "s2o" is what you get by default on Debian (and if I remember correctly, Ubuntu 21.04). The following is written to stdout:
in syslog, there's output as each tile is rendered:
If you omit the "--map" parameter you might see something like this in syslog:
and that can cause render_list to "just sit there" waiting for a message that never comes. However, if you tell it which tiles to render, it will work.
(31 Oct '21, 11:36)
SomeoneElse ♦
Hi SomeoneElse, That works like a charm. I wonder how you figured that out. Is it documented somewhere or does one need to be an experienced technician to be able to do this? Thank you very much, I appreciate this. Ciao, Gerben
(31 Oct '21, 15:09)
The "sudo -u _renderd render_list -a -n 1 --map=s2o --tile-dir=/var/lib/mod_tile/s2o --min-zoom=0 --max-zoom=6" part was basically me putting together a minimum set of options, based on what "render_list --help" says. I initially tried it without "--map" and got the "No map for: default" error (and to be fair "render_list --help" specifically says "--map defaults to 'default'", rather than "s2o").
(31 Oct '21, 22:28)
SomeoneElse ♦
For completeness, --min-x, --min-y, --max-x and --max-y also all work as expected.
(31 Oct '21, 22:30)
SomeoneElse ♦
I wasn't aware that the part "sudo -u _renderd " must be in the command line. I couldn't find any documentation on that.
(01 Nov '21, 15:50)
The 21.04 guide does have "sudo -u _renderd" in it where it's describing commands that interact with the database. That guide says:
It doesn't mention render_list at all, so doesn't explicitly say you need to run that via "sudo -u _renderd" too. Given that a few people have tripped up over render_list (see other help questions here) it might be worth mentioning, perhaps in a separate guide.
(01 Nov '21, 16:03)
SomeoneElse ♦
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Hi. I have a similarity problem. I would like to understand if render_list is working or not. I have run:
and I get:
But it has been standing there for more than a day. I would like to be sure it's working! Thanks I'd suggest that you look at the answer above that explains how it is supposed to work - do you get any errors in syslog?
(28 Sep '22, 13:02)
SomeoneElse ♦
Conclusion: The solution to this question is that render list needs to be run in a command line with "sudo -u _renderd" in front of it. That is in an ubuntu 21.04 environment with the guide to build a tileserver from the switch2osm site. |
As I said, I tried all options that I can think of and nothing worked. The commands that you mention are not available for me. I followed the guide to install a server on ubuntu 2104. How can I check for tile requests in a log? 1
Which one are you following?
(25 Oct '21, 12:23)
SomeoneElse ♦
You're not reallly helping, forget it. This is a good reason not to switch to OSM. No documentation, no help.
(25 Oct '21, 12:26)
We're trying to, but if you literally won't tell us the full command that you ran before an error occurred you're requiring psychic powers of anyone why tries to help you.
(25 Oct '21, 12:57)
SomeoneElse ♦
Could you give us a clue what you have actually tried?
I tried various command lines:
If it helps, every morning a server I look after runs
which in turn calls "render_list":
You still haven't told us exactly what options you're trying and what the effect is (we know that no tiles are rendered, but does a request for a new tile appear in the log? Does an error occur there? You have not said), but hopefully an example of "one that does work" should help you to find out what the problem is.