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I'm trying to find the source of Tesla gps road maps, where they get their speed zones data and how to get them corrected. A random response elsewhere suggested it might be OSM. Can anyone confirm or deny that?

asked 21 Oct '21, 00:51

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John Dux
accept rate: 0%


I'm not an expert in OSM's licensing terms, but I think that if Tesla are using OSM they should be acknowledging it somewhere in the software? Is there a copyright notice somewhere?

(23 Oct '21, 14:12) InsertUser

I guess that if it were true it would be common knowledge in the OSM community - "Tesla" is one of those things that seems to attract attention, but no bells are ringing here, at the moment. So I'm coming around to the conclusion that it's just one of those myths that, once started, won't go away.

I'll keep this question up a little longer to see if anyone can add to the story.

(23 Oct '21, 22:58) John Dux

I know nothing about this, but I had a feeling it has been brought up before, and I found some discussion here:

Note that it is possible they use different approaches in different countries, I have not see Australia specifically mentioned.

(24 Oct '21, 07:08) alan_gr

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question asked: 21 Oct '21, 00:51

question was seen: 671 times

last updated: 24 Oct '21, 07:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum