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I'm working on adding island s and other features in the Tanana River in Alaska. There are many named sloughs (side channels), islands and in some areas curves or bends that have a name. In my example there is a large bend in the river that has its own name, Harper Bend.

If I break the river at both ends of the curve, I could add the name to the section between the breaks but that doesn't seem right because the river's name isn't changing... Another much more complicated solution would be to break the riverbank into sections and add a name to the one that encompasses the bend.

Suggestions? Opinions?

asked 20 Oct '21, 11:56

Eliot54's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 20 Oct '21, 12:02

TZorn's gravatar image


The question has been closed for the following reason "Just SEDO spam. Don't answer." by TZorn 20 Oct '21, 12:02

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question asked: 20 Oct '21, 11:56

question was seen: 530 times

last updated: 20 Oct '21, 12:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum