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Hi everybody,

I have a mod_tile instance working and already serving a style. I have now added another style (it works properly if I try to render an image with nik4) but I'm not able to get the images from mod_tile.

On the browser I get 404 (Not Found) answer and in the renderd windows (since I launched it with -f flags to see the output) I get "Received request for map layer 'wikihiking' which failed to load"

Is there a way to have more debug info?

In the case I can share my configuration files

asked 17 Oct '21, 22:39

lucadelu's gravatar image

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In the case I can share my configuration files

Please do.

I get "Received request for map layer 'wikihiking' which failed to load"

Somewhat higher up the logfile you should be able to see why it failed to load.

(17 Oct '21, 22:48) SomeoneElse ♦

If you haven't misconfigured something, then the "works with nik4 but not in renderd" situation might point to a permisssion issue - maybe your style tries to access a file that is available to you but not to the user renderd runs under, or the style is set to connect to the database with the current unix user and there's no database user for the user renderd runs under.

(17 Oct '21, 23:04) Frederik Ramm ♦

Changing user it works properly, thanks Frederik

(17 Oct '21, 23:31) lucadelu

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question asked: 17 Oct '21, 22:39

question was seen: 627 times

last updated: 17 Oct '21, 23:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum