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I changed a few new roads from under construction to Residential but when I request routing service it returns "error 4003: Routing Service failed with status 404 Not Found" My question is, is there anything else required to do so that I may receive routes when I request route from GPS coordinate A to coordinate B? Does the system generate gps data for these roads automatically or each road must be programmed manually?

I'm learning to improve my city. Forgive me if I broke a rule somewhere.

asked 15 Oct '21, 08:14

TroneLegacy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Do you get this message only when you try to route over the new roads? Or do you also get if you try somewhere completely different on the map?

Also, are you using the routing services on the home page, and if so are you using Graphhopper or OSRM?

(15 Oct '21, 16:55) alan_gr

I get this message only on zebra marked roads / under construction. One other thing I noticed is "these roads I have updated sort of change back to the old state in appearance (become zebra) when I zoom out. If I zoom back in they turn to white.

I'm requesting api data via MIT App inventor maps component, I believe Its OSRM in use.

(15 Oct '21, 20:28) TroneLegacy

Not sure about the particular error messages you are getting, but...
You are updating a database when editing the osm. The maps take time to be re-rendered and routing engines also need time update their routing. The standard, Cyclosm and Humanitarian map layers at update very soon, the others about a week later and the routing engines normally take quite a while to update too. So try the routing in a few days time.

permanent link

answered 15 Oct '21, 08:23

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 15 Oct '21, 17:28

I get the message only on the zebra marked roads (under construction). I noticed that "these roads I have updated sort of change back to the old state in appearance (become zebra) when I zoom out. If I zoom back in they turn to white."

I will give it a couple of days and then try again. Thank you for the heads up

(15 Oct '21, 20:37) TroneLegacy

On the standard layer at, I have found that map tiles for zoom levels 17 and 18 are usually the first to be updated and those further away have a slower update schedule and you see this difference when you zoom in and out.

(15 Oct '21, 21:49) nevw

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question asked: 15 Oct '21, 08:14

question was seen: 1,401 times

last updated: 15 Oct '21, 21:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum