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I have troubles understanding the complete statment. I read the description on but I still do not get it.

Here, an example:; my goal is to get a map of river and its tributaries. When I leave the complete block commented out, I receive the river mapped as relation and a couple of way segments that belong to its tributaries. Works just as expected, here, a picture:

alt text

However, when I am commenting out line 12 and using the complete block instead, I only receive the river relation .r which I started with. My set .add has no tributaries and the result looks like this:

alt text

Something I am doing wrong ;) I thought the complete block would iterate several times, thus, adding more and more segments of contributing rivers and streams. Thanks for some hints!

asked 14 Oct '21, 16:42

G%C3%A5seborg's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 14 Oct '21, 16:43

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question asked: 14 Oct '21, 16:42

question was seen: 786 times

last updated: 14 Oct '21, 16:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum