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Hey everyone!

I need help with using Overpass Turbo to get School Zone signs, Construction Zone Signs, LED speed limit signs, and horizontal traffic lights. I need the GPS coords in some areas of Canada to I can map it out on google earth.

Please help I don't understand and I tried using Mapillary tool but they don't give you the GPS coordinates and the zoom is too small. I'm not a programmer so I have no idea how to access the API or whatever it is.

I've been trying to get this data for a week but I'm just so confused.

asked 04 Oct '21, 16:20

Brian218's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Hi Brian. OpenStreetMap and Mapillary are separate services. Each use information from the other but in general they hold different type of data. Construction zone signs, nature of speed limit signs and orientation of traffic lights are not usually mapped in OpenStreetMap, hence you won't find them with Overpass Turbo, either.

If Mapillary detects this kind of information in its pictures then you have to get the data from Mapillary itself. (I cannot check right now. The Mapillary page seems to have gone down with the rest of the Facebook servers). There is a quite active Mapillary forum where you might get more help on this matter.

(04 Oct '21, 21:06) TZorn

Maybe this Mapillary help article helps. I just downloaded a speed limit sign with coordinates. But there is a restriction to the size of the area.

permanent link

answered 07 Oct '21, 10:39

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 04 Oct '21, 16:20

question was seen: 1,918 times

last updated: 07 Oct '21, 10:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum