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Mylast two days of editing are not showing up on my User Page - although the hours of work I have put in and the number of changesets are appearing on my HOT contributors page. Also when I tried to post this qestion Missing Maps thought i was a new memebr - but i have had an account since Febrauary. Something is clearly wrong. Please would you help me fix it.

asked 03 Oct '21, 19:43

Elspeth's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Just on the offchance that your OSM user name contains "Elspeth" you look at likely accounts through this link

(03 Oct '21, 20:58) SK53 ♦

Dropping the full stop may help the link to work

(04 Oct '21, 11:38) andy mackey

Thank you both for very helpful advice. I have now discovered that my edits have been updated on both Open StreeMap and HOT - it is just Missing Maps where they are not appearing. Please do you have any further advice. Missing Maps just doesn't seem to have accepted the last tow days work. Thank you again

(04 Oct '21, 11:51) Elspeth

As you suggest there seems to be a delay in the MissingMaps stats & dashboard being updated. We're not sure who to contact to raise the alert, but it may be something which gets resolved quite quickly now that the weekend has passed.

(04 Oct '21, 15:38) SK53 ♦

Thank you.

(04 Oct '21, 16:54) Elspeth

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question asked: 03 Oct '21, 19:43

question was seen: 638 times

last updated: 04 Oct '21, 16:54

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum