I used this query to extract all village names with lat lon coords:
As you can see name Adamov listed 3 times. How to get all village names with lat lon coords without duplicate village names? Even if lat lon of the same village name are significantly different |
I'm not familiar with PostgreSQL and PostGIS specifics but in general SQL you could do that with an aggregate function. Something like this:
Agreed this is a standard SQL problem, solvable using Window functions. The Postgres reference is here https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/functions-window.html
(28 Sep '21, 09:43)
SK53 ♦
Works ok with MIN()
(28 Sep '21, 10:32)
I doubt that works since the coordinates are not DISTINCT and as such the query would still return all lines. But maybe DISTINCT is handled differently in PostgreSQL/PostGIS than in other SQL dialects.
(28 Sep '21, 09:06)
Do you mean that where several different villages have the same name, you only want to extract one of them? But then which lat/lon do you want to extract?
I need the first available coordinates, just ignore the others. Like for Adamov will be used only first point from my "Example"
I guess it shoud be something with DISTINCT(name)