I came across a new housing development (in UK) where a mapper has added new houses/roads/paths with the changeset source labelled as "planning permission". There is currently nothing shown on any satellite imagery in this area, only fields. I know that drawings and plans for new housing developments are publicly and freely available on local authority websites, and that it would be possible to import PDFs to JOSM for example to then map. However, I thought that the copyright for these would belong to the development/architect/council and so we would not be allowed to use them to add details to the map, even if they are publicly available. Is there a definite answer on this? It would obviously be useful if this was allowed, as often imagery in some areas is not regularly updated. Any info. greatly appreciated. |
Planning Applications in Great Britain will generally use Ordnance Survey copyright material (usually Master Map), and in addition will contain additional copyright of the authors. A typical map or location plan on a council planning portal will usually have an explicit statement of copyright such as this one (which, however, looks to incorporate unacknowledged OS material). It is therefore unlikely that the sources used meet the OSM Terms & Conditions. |
Mapping of proposed features in general is a little controvertial. I thought I'd seen some discussion on planning applications previously but can't find it.
You may find a general reluctance to answer questions with a legal aspect on this help site, most of us (myself included) aren't qualified in that area. I am reluctant to overload the DWG, but if you think a source is in contravention of the copyright guidance and has no documented permission then it should probably be referred to them.