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Osmose gives me relations errors "The platform is not on the right side of the road". A example is linked below.

How is the "right" side of road determined? The correct side for the platform should on the right side of the street (because we drive on the right side here in Sweden). In the linked example the platform is on the right correct side, because the route is from north to south.

I don't see why this is marked as an error. Is this a false positive error?

asked 25 Sep '21, 08:08

Msiipola's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Sep '21, 10:49

hej Msiipola.

The platforms need to be added to the relation in the order in which the bus stops at them. In this relation they are ordered south to north, i.e. in opposite direction of the bus traveling and the road segments. You need to reverse them to be in line with the Public Transport Version 2 scheme.

One more thing. The rout claims to run from=Skinnskatteberg via=Köping;Kungsör to=Eskilstuna. Yet the route ends in Köping. Is the route just not completely mapped yet or are the tags not correct?

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answered 25 Sep '21, 19:59

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Thanks for your answer!

I'm new on osm editing, and these bus route relations have been mysterious to me. I understand that I have to add all the way segments, but I have never understood how the bus stops and platforms should be added.

Maybe the concept of bus route relations is explained in the Wiki, I have searched, but didn't find anything useful (for me).

(26 Sep '21, 07:20) Msiipola

I have linked to the relevant Wiki page in my answer. The step by step guide there is quite comprehensive.

Public transport route editing is not so simple as you have discovered yourself. Better first get familiar with relation editing in general and routes in particular before starting mapping in that area.

You already got almost 1000 edits and you are using JOSM. I wouldn't call that "new". :-)

(26 Sep '21, 08:32) TZorn

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question asked: 25 Sep '21, 08:08

question was seen: 867 times

last updated: 26 Sep '21, 08:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum