I have a former bank branch office in the area that was closed down but still offers ATM and other self service activities like account statement printing and a post box from the same place. Should this be changed from amenity=bank to amenity=atm or should the state better be represented as amenity=bank with opening hours of 24/7 closed - which might confuse people regarding the status of the ATM? |
I would recommend against keeping it as IMO, you should change the bank to closed:amenity=bank, so other mappers can see the status and won't inadvertently re-map the bank as being open. You can then add new nodes for the 2
I take it by post box you mean a place for delivering letters intended for the bank, not a post box offering a generic postal collection. Please don't use amenity=post_box for such things. I think letter_box is sometimes used for delivery points.
(24 Sep '21, 18:07)
SK53 ♦