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Hello. I have a program and I need insert a vector map of the area into the program. On this map, I have to automatically place geodetic points (as well as draw lines, shapes, fields, but this is not important). Points with coordinates come to me over the network.

So, I need a map file and coordinates of this map, or a coordinate grid for the map. The way to get the map and coordinates should be available to a simple technician who is far from the developer. And, if possible, do not require special software and special knowledge. (that is, unloading tiles using a python script does not suit me).

In the simplest case, I took a screenshot from Google maps, then I found 2 points on the map, copied their coordinates from Google maps, marked them on the map and entered their coordinates into the program. And then he calculated the graduation. But a screenshot is a bad idea, and manual search / input of coordinates is also a bad idea.

Also, I found the SAS.Planet program. It can export Jpeg (unfortunately it cannot export SVG) a map of any size and scale, and attach to it there is no information *.map file that contains the coordinates of the extreme points and the middle of the saved map. A sample file is attached.

I want to use an SVG file saved from the OSM site as a map, and I need the coordinates for the saved map. Inside the file, I did not find any coordinates of the extreme points. Is there a way to get some kind of info file along with the map?

For example, if I export an *.osm file, then at the beginning of the file there are the coordinates I need.

asked 23 Sep '21, 08:53

ethenhunt's gravatar image

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question asked: 23 Sep '21, 08:53

question was seen: 1,318 times

last updated: 23 Sep '21, 08:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum