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How do I get a map for my Garmin Dakota without shading?

asked 23 Sep '21, 07:49

Ole%20Vagn%20Zinck's gravatar image

Ole Vagn Zinck
accept rate: 0%

converted to question 23 Sep '21, 08:21

TZorn's gravatar image


Most of the map sources listed here don't contain hill shade Further you may have a dedicated hill shade map enabled, obviously you should disable it if you don't want it displayed.

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answered 24 Sep '21, 09:56

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

I have used a few Garmin GPSes but not a Dakota. Many of the them have map settings to modify the detail shown. Look at the map/ settings and see if there are any options you can try. Please let us know if they solve the problem. There seems to be a few websites that are offering PDF manuals of older devices, even if Garmin no longer host them. You could even ask Garmin for advice. Later devices:-

alt text

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answered 24 Sep '21, 11:47

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 24 Sep '21, 12:47

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question asked: 23 Sep '21, 07:49

question was seen: 1,076 times

last updated: 24 Sep '21, 12:47

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