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I did everything according to this instruction. Replaced as there said index. Html on But when accessing the Cherkz browser, Please help

asked 22 Sep '21, 21:52

elnur09's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I'm guessing that you're the same person who tried to get answers to a similar problem on IRC a couple of hours ago? If so, here's what you should do:

First, make sure that you're using an appropriate set of instructions. If you have Ubuntu 18.04, and you're following the 20.04 ones, that's not going to work. If however you have installed Ubuntu 20.04 from scratch, that will work.

Second, slow down. Make sure that you do everything exactly as the instructions say you should. Don't miss bits out, or repeat commands in a random order - that won't work either.

If an error occurs, investigate it - save the error to a pastebin and link to that from the question here.

(23 Sep '21, 01:50) SomeoneElse ♦

Yes you are right pre-suggest I did everything again on ubuntu 20.04 but the end of the page is empty opens and to make install command work I installed an additional package libiniparser-dev but the end when I open through the web map is not displayed simply without a map displayed

(23 Sep '21, 21:16) elnur09

It would be useful to see a pastebin of everything you did from the beginning to the end with details of actual errors you've got.

(23 Sep '21, 22:59) SomeoneElse ♦

I did everything again according to this instruction,,, here is the log when executing the command renderd -f -c /usr/local/etc/renderd.conf link

(24 Sep '21, 07:21) elnur09

Your foreground renderd isn't getting any requests because you are not following instructions in the order that they are written. See .

permanent link

answered 24 Sep '21, 12:04

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 22 Sep '21, 21:52

question was seen: 1,156 times

last updated: 24 Sep '21, 12:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum