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I have over the years created, on my TomTom GO Live 825, 4 groups of ov2 waypoints (850 in all) of places I want to visit or have visited. I have exported them to my computer, then converted them to kml format for importing into Magic Earth navigator. That works fine and all waypoints appear in the original 4 POI folders. Now I am trying to do the same thing with OsmAnd. So I have converted the ov2 folders to gpx folders and tried to import them, only to be faced with the message "Import tracks Cannot import specified GPX file". Does anyone know if I'm just being dense, because I'm trying to do the impossible, or could it be that until I download all the relevant maps (France, England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland and Italy) the app won't accept the files because most of them won't have a 'home'. I have tried changing the name of the folder to favourites.gpx (to match the folder name that the favourites that I have created in the app are saved to); I have tried creating a new My Places folder to match the name of the folder that my waypoints are stored in. But I still get the same error message. Anyone got any ideas? Thank you Maxdot

asked 22 Sep '21, 17:53

Maxdot's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

In the past I have successfully merged two favourites.gpx files from two devices to give a single set of favourites. My sync solution seems to indicate that it is still being used for favourites storage (at least on my version of Android).

I don't think what maps you have downloaded should matter as far as favourites are concerned.

I'm a little confused about your use of the word folder. The favourites.gpx file exits in the top level of the OsmAnd folder structure and contains all points. The folders shown in OsmAnd appear to reflect the contents of a type entry in the individual wpt points. If you have another file with other points you may need to do a bit of manual copy pasting to merge them in your preferred text editor.

If the import procedure described here doesn't work for you. Then you might need to have a deeper look at the gpx file your other software is exporting to make sure they're in as points and not tracks.

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answered 24 Sep '21, 19:08

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 22 Sep '21, 17:53

question was seen: 2,335 times

last updated: 24 Sep '21, 19:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum