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Hey there, I edited the map like this on Umap. My purpose for showing the markers is that I want to show some data when I click on these markers. Instead of writing, This is Iowa. I want to write No. of Covid Cases: Any number, No. of Deaths: Any Number, etc.

I have a CSV file that contains all the data. But the problem is I don't know how to upload the CSV file, how to give the Covid data to each state, and how to show the data relevant to each state on the map.

Although I could manually add that data in the description of each state but I don't think it is the right way.

I made one Layer which has all the common things like marker color, popup, popup direction, etc. For each marker, I added the common Layer with one extra thing that is the state name and description.

Here is the picture of a Map, Layer that I made, editing page of a marker, and importing data but the importing of data is giving me an error that Could not autodetect the delimiter.

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alt text

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asked 20 Sep '21, 18:02

RecoveredOnce's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Sep '21, 18:21

Everything is set by csv file: the csv first line defines column names, hence they will be used by umap for placeholders in pop-ups. Is something goes wrong in importing, remember to start from scratch, checking "replace layer content".

You need al least two columns named "latitude" and "longitude" (I guess even lat and lon works). Then you can play with "interaction options", where you will manage columns placeholders.

A minimal example:


Interaction options: State: {state}
Cases: {cases}

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answered 21 Sep '21, 08:30

Cascafico's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The error message is Could not autodetect the delimiter.

So open the csv file in a text editor and check that you have unambiguous delimiters (e.g. a comma should only be used to delimit the columns and not be part of a text description). You can try different delimiters (comma, semicolon, pipe; not sure which ones uMap accepts). Also make sure that all lines contain the same number of columns.

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answered 21 Sep '21, 08:45

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 20 Sep '21, 18:02

question was seen: 5,784 times

last updated: 21 Sep '21, 08:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum