I currently have a satellite tile server based on an mbtiles file, and I also have a normal openstreetmap tile server with the normal carto styling. But I want to make my openstreetmap tiles as a layer over my satellite layer. So I guess I need to change the style.css of my osm tile server so it only contains labels so I can use it as a layer over my satellite layer. However, I can't really find any concrete examples and I can't find my way in the carto styling as it really is complex. So are there any carto styling "templates" which I could use so that my tile server only offers transparent label-only tiles? Or is there another (easy) way to just have "label" tiles? My satellite tile server is running with https://github.com/maptiler/tileserver-php. My OSM tile server is setup using the following tutorial: How to Set Up OpenStreetMap Tile Server on Ubuntu 20.04. |
See here for a bit more detail, but the important information is: "... Next the style needed to be changed so that boundaries were displayed over transparent tiles. This was done by changing water-color and land-color in style.mss to “rgba(0,0,0,0)” in each case." 2
I've never set up a tile server myself but what SomeoneElse describes in his blog and the example page he links to from there looks exactly like what you are asking for. So I wonder why you voted down the answer, @KoenMlt, not even leaving a comment.
(20 Sep '21, 15:18)
Oh crap my bad, thank you for letting me know. Was a bit too quick and missed the "Mark as answer" button. I corrected it.
(20 Sep '21, 15:36)