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I get Osmose errors: "Missing way on level crosssing".

But I can't find any errors. There is a road crossing the railway on the same node, which is tagged "railway=level_crossing".

Exemples: n21619940 w48980273, n4813150648 w48674965, n318444322 w206601940

Any ideas why?

asked 17 Sep '21, 21:58

Msiipola's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Sep '21, 21:59

Well, it is a bit difficult to try to find something now that you have played around with those nodes already. Better leave the objects untouched for a while when you ask such questions.

(18 Sep '21, 20:17) TZorn

Yes, I understand this. If I get such errors again, I will post them here.

I have tested to unglue the railway, road and the crossing, and the glue everything back on the same node. And I'm now waiting see if the errors come back.

(18 Sep '21, 21:12) Msiipola

I now have a new example of this error: n3847978760, w48980273

(20 Sep '21, 08:35) Msiipola

That example seems to be a mixture of tagging foe a level crossing (allowing vehicles and pedestrians to cross from one side of the railway to the other) and a pedestrian crossing (allowing pedestrians to pass from one side of the road to the other). What is highway=crossing intended to refer to? It seems unlikely that there would be a marked pedestrian crossing literally on the railway tracks.

(20 Sep '21, 09:06) alan_gr

I don't think there is anything wrong. It seems to be a false warning from Osmose. Actually, there is already a ticket about this on Osmose's Github repository.

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answered 20 Sep '21, 09:01

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 17 Sep '21, 21:58

question was seen: 788 times

last updated: 20 Sep '21, 09:06

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