I get Osmose errors: "Missing way on level crosssing". But I can't find any errors. There is a road crossing the railway on the same node, which is tagged "railway=level_crossing". Exemples: n21619940 w48980273, n4813150648 w48674965, n318444322 w206601940 Any ideas why? |
I don't think there is anything wrong. It seems to be a false warning from Osmose. Actually, there is already a ticket about this on Osmose's Github repository. |
Well, it is a bit difficult to try to find something now that you have played around with those nodes already. Better leave the objects untouched for a while when you ask such questions.
Yes, I understand this. If I get such errors again, I will post them here.
I have tested to unglue the railway, road and the crossing, and the glue everything back on the same node. And I'm now waiting see if the errors come back.
I now have a new example of this error:
https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/59.50733/16.00168 n3847978760, w48980273
That example seems to be a mixture of tagging foe a level crossing (allowing vehicles and pedestrians to cross from one side of the railway to the other) and a pedestrian crossing (allowing pedestrians to pass from one side of the road to the other). What is highway=crossing intended to refer to? It seems unlikely that there would be a marked pedestrian crossing literally on the railway tracks.