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heey everyone i'm doing an internship and i need to make an OSM with the customer database however since i'm not a programmar as my supervisor we don't know much about javascripting. so my question is does anybody know a good site where i can learn the javascript i need to do this task?.

greets Ronnie

asked 27 Sep '11, 14:36

RonnieB's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

retagged 17 Oct '11, 14:46

davespod's gravatar image


There's a great number of things you need to learn to be able to build the kind of site you're talking about. You need to know several (not just one) programming language, how relational databases work, how HTML and JavaScript work together, and the many different ways geographic information is processed.

To put it another way, it's like saying "I've been asked to build a house, where can I learn the bricklaying I need?". You're being asked too large a task, especially for an intern.

There is a simple example of overlaying markers on an OSM map, but that needs you to know some JavaScript yourself, which you'll need to learn separately.

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answered 27 Sep '11, 16:27

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...
accept rate: 18%

hmm thx for the info and your time :D however since i've got alot of time atm i'll just try to get as far as possible. does anyone maybe also have a good java tutorial site? i did found 1 however i need to learn alot more than from only 1 i guess :P. i already know a little about how to connect to a database and use it with .php so i mainly need to learn java i guess?

(28 Sep '11, 10:54) RonnieB

Java and JavaScript are completely different. If you want to build a map-based website you probably want JavaScript, not Java.

(28 Sep '11, 12:41) Richard ♦

Noone has a good JavaScript tutorial? :(

(29 Sep '11, 13:30) RonnieB

Which one is likely to be useful to you rather depends on where you're starting from. Google has loads - take your pick!

(29 Sep '11, 14:23) SomeoneElse ♦

You might want to check out the Developer Zone at Cloudmade. Cloudmade uses OSM data for its maps and provides some nice, free APIs and tools that may do what you are looking.

[BTW, Cloudmade is somewhat infamous for their map data being several weeks old, but that should only make a difference in an area where people are making frequent map updates.]

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answered 29 Sep '11, 16:08

jwernerny's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

ty will defo look at it :D

(30 Sep '11, 07:35) RonnieB

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question asked: 27 Sep '11, 14:36

question was seen: 5,938 times

last updated: 17 Oct '11, 14:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum