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A question from the Wikipedia point of view. In the context of using the transcription from Russian into other languages, the use of the letter "ё" in names (depending on the place emphasized in them) is of great importance. How serious is it in OSM to distinguish between names like Veseloye/Vesyoloye (Веселое/Весёлое) or Berezovoye/Beryozovoye (Березовое/Берёзовое?

asked 15 Sep '21, 23:12

ThWiki1910's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I'm not completely sure I understand what you are getting at. Maybe I'm missing a point on the context of the Russian language. Generally, in OpenStreetMap we aim at using official or at least commonly used names for all features. If the official name includes an "ё" then it should be used in OSM's name key.

Transliterations should only be added if they are provided offically, as for example often done for Chinese street names. There are means to tag names in non local languages by adding the language code suffix to any name tag, for instance name:en to denote the English name. I seriously doubt, though, that many rural Russian localities have an English name. That tag should not be misused for transliterations.

There is more information in our Wiki.

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answered 16 Sep '21, 08:01

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

This is definitely a matter closely related to the Russian language. In writing, the dots over "е" are usually omitted – Russian-speaking people know /guess how to pronounce such words. The natural forms of these localities seem to be Vesyoloye (Весёлое) and Beryozovoye (Берёзовое). On the other hand, the form without the dots can be ambiguous: either the dots have been usually omitted (in the case of a map it should not be so), or the authors have thoroughly researched the names of these localities and found out that the stress is on a different vowel (e.g. Veseloye – Веселое, Berezovoye – Березовое). Of course, there is also a third possibility: oversight (we are just human beings and mistakes happen, and in general, the official accented versions of small localities in Russia are hard to come by). Transcription / transliteration is a secondary matter – the most important thing is the correct original name. My question was whether I can trust the OSM project for the correct original names.

(16 Sep '21, 10:48) ThWiki1910

Maybe someone else can comment on the common practice. If not there is a quite active Russian community on the OSM forum and you can try to take your question there.

(16 Sep '21, 12:52) TZorn

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question asked: 15 Sep '21, 23:12

question was seen: 1,106 times

last updated: 16 Sep '21, 12:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum