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I'm in my first week editing on OpenStreetMap and I came across this area where some local Mountain Biking enthusiasts have dumped their personal GPS tracks directly on the map, sometimes overlapping on well defined paths and most time zig-zagging in random patterns (bad GPS), making things more confusing. Fortunately they were given silly names which makes them obvious to spot like "Donkey Kong" or "big balls"

this area:

When I did my first use of a GPS track I did upload it to my personal space and used it as a guide to extend an existing mountain path, but I didn't just lazily dump the entire GPX and committed it as an official path.

What can I do about them, can I remove someone else's work like that or do I need someone's approval?

asked 14 Sep '21, 13:18

Renard%20Empiriste's gravatar image

Renard Empir...
accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Sep '21, 13:48

I don't see any public GPS tracks in OSM for the location you linked and it is fairly heavily forested so it is difficult to see what is on the ground other than (and its continuation). It would be nice if you could upload your own GPX files. Not trace them into being OSM ways, just upload them via so other mappers can get a feel for how well the aerial imagery is aligned and where any trails might be hiding in the trees.

It has been a around 5 years since some of those MTB trails were first created but HPman83 still seems to be mapping (last change set a few months ago) so you might also want to reach out to them and see what information they used to align the trails and where they got the names from.

If you are familiar with the area and know that those zig-zag MTB trails are not there, then by all means remove them. If they exist but are not official then a "informal=yes" tag would be appropriate. If the land manager is trying to block them or get rid of them then an appropriate "access=" tag should be added along with maybe some "description=" text to explain the situation to the next mapper who looks at the area.

permanent link

answered 14 Sep '21, 16:04

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

Thanks, that's what I'm going to tell HPman83, he's been dumping/integrating a lot of his GPS tracks here and there without looking if they overlap on an existing trail. The path you picked is a perfect example of it.

I'm mapping the area using the cadastral plans, official maps and putting back the right name for some of those. Especially the fire brigade access roads and the emergency water tanks.

Thanks also for describing the extra tags and their uses.

(14 Sep '21, 16:23) Renard Empir...

There has already been a similar question to HPman83 in the changeset originally creating the MTB trail. There HPman83 replied the path exists and is often running quite close to the main path.

(15 Sep '21, 07:55) TZorn

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question asked: 14 Sep '21, 13:18

question was seen: 1,111 times

last updated: 15 Sep '21, 07:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum