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How to extract, from a bicycle route relation, all way-type members that are roads of type unclassified and higher and that do not have maxspeed tags

asked 11 Sep '21, 13:41

voschix's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Show us your routine as it is at the moment.

(11 Sep '21, 15:32) DaveF

I have no routine at the moment. I would like to create a new one. I would like to complete the maxspeed information on cycle routes were these run on public roads.

(11 Sep '21, 21:15) voschix

Why not have an attempt? Expecting others to do the /whole/ job for you is a bit selfish.

(13 Sep '21, 14:35) DaveF

Let's assume your bicycle route relation is within a set called "bike". Then, overpass turbo will provide you with all way-type members if you query for "way(". Here, you can apply any filters you want, e.g. "way([highway=unclassified][!maxspeed]".

Here, an example which has one additional step to only search in the displayed area ("bbox"):

Good luck!

permanent link

answered 13 Sep '21, 14:18

G%C3%A5seborg's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

Thanks. This is precisely what I needed.

(16 Sep '21, 16:57) voschix

@voschix: Good! Then, you could mark this question as answered, by "accepting" the answer ( in order to avoid other people to check whether it still needs to be answered.

(30 Sep '21, 12:51) Gåseborg

I have marked it as accepted.

(30 Sep '21, 13:26) scai ♦

Taking @Gåseborg answer & shrinking it to save on the typing:

out geom;
permanent link

answered 30 Sep '21, 16:31

DaveF's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 11 Sep '21, 13:41

question was seen: 3,682 times

last updated: 30 Sep '21, 16:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum