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Hi! I am wondering how I could get Overpass Turbo displaying a node and a way which this node is part of.

Here, an Overpass example. If I delete the line printing the way (line 3), I can see the node on the map. Otherwise, the map will only show the way.

Thanks for your hints!

asked 10 Sep '21, 13:38

G%C3%A5seborg's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 12 Jan '22, 16:44

I consider this to be a bug in Overpass Turbo & appears related to this unsatisfactory explanation to a similar problem:

If you run this routine with the next node id it displays fine. (use Zoom to Data button)

out geom;
out geom;

Note it's exactly the same data format as your routine.


permanent link

answered 10 Sep '21, 16:31

DaveF's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Thanks @DaveF! For me, it does not work if I switch to other nodes belonging to the way. By the way, I guess you have a type in line 3: node 416714408 is in US while way 35565161 is in France ;)

(17 Sep '21, 14:40) Gåseborg

It's the next node, numerically. It was intentional to show that the routine works, but OSM-carto code interprets the two differently/incorrectly.

(17 Sep '21, 14:46) DaveF

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question asked: 10 Sep '21, 13:38

question was seen: 2,725 times

last updated: 12 Jan '22, 16:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum