A short question: I would like to extract all ways that are included in a set consisting of both ways and relations. How can I do that? Assume the set is called "x", then, I tried:
all without success because recurse is not defined for way-way and a bit overkill. Feels like there must be a simple solution, I just cannot see it ;) Thanks for a hint! |
Sorry, it is explained in the wiki: "To read elements from a set, append . and the set name to the command.
will return all nodes in the named set a that have the key amenity with the value foo." So, in my case, it boild down to: node.x; This answer describes what solved my problem. Unfortunately, I cannot mark it as "accepted answer"; could one of the admins please do so, thanks! I hope that marking this question as "answered" can help others that have the same problem and spare those that want to help solving a problem to have to look at this one. Thanks!
(30 Sep '21, 12:39)