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For a presentation I would like to export the recorded GPX tracks of my sailing trips. The map should show the track together with the relevant POIs and use a nautical map style. Optimally, the export is a SVG so that I can post-process it.

The GPX tracks have been recorded with OsmAnd+. Please note, that this question does not ask how I get the GPX file from my smartphone to my PC. I know how to do that. The question addresses the problem which program or web service allows me to properly select the relevant POIs, a nautical map style and define the correct scale.

A already considered the trivial approach which means to take multiple screenshots of OsmAnd on my smartphone and then stitch them together. This doesn't provide me with an SVG, but I have the power to define which POIs should be shown and I get a correct, nautical map style. Nonetheless, this is a very tedious work.

Hence, I thought there should be better ways to do that.

My first approach was look for a proper Linux application from this list. My first choice was Marble, because it is the native application for my KDE desktop. The experience was disappointing. Marble only provides a very limited selection of map styles and Marble does not allow to select which layers of the OSM database are shown. In particular, Marble always shows all commercial and social POIs (i.e. stores, public amenities, etc.) but no nautical sea marks. :-(

Then, I tried some web services: Outdoor Active and MyOSMatic. I know the former from my hiking tours, the latter has been recommended in some forum. However, Outdoor Active is only meant for for hiking, cycling and such things. The rendering results of MyOSMatic are ways below being usable. The result is very coarse, does not show many details and the labeling of the start and destination point covers 50% of the map. :-(

I actually cannot believe, that there is no (desktop) application which allows what I need besides the Android app OsmAnd+.

Does anybody know an proper desktop application or web service which

  1. allows to import a GPX track
  2. provides a nautical map style
  3. allows to define which POIs are shown and which are not shown
  4. allows to define the proper scale and map section
  5. allows to export the result to SVG?

SVG export is not a hard requirement. I could also accept PNG if the resolution is sufficiently high.

asked 06 Sep '21, 13:44

M%20Nagel's gravatar image

M Nagel
accept rate: 0%

I recently discovered that facilmap has sea markers overlay from openseamap. And it can import GPX files.

I couldn't find an online tiles layer equivalent to the nautical style of OsmAnd.

As for the export, I'm afraid there's only screenshot.

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answered 06 Sep '21, 16:07

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

I expect you can get near what you want using gpsvisualizer
Options to use the OpenSeaMap are mentioned here

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answered 08 Sep '21, 05:46

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 08 Sep '21, 05:47

The general jumping off page for this sort of thing is the bewildering array of options on the OSM on paper page of the wiki.

As a rather labour intensive option, QGIS covers all of those except for point 2. You would probably have to create the style yourself or adapt it from one available online. It can handle raster layers though, so if you can find an appropriate pre-rendered style it should be possible to do your overlay that way too.

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answered 08 Sep '21, 19:41

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 06 Sep '21, 13:44

question was seen: 2,354 times

last updated: 08 Sep '21, 19:41

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