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I've maid some changes to OpenStreetMap regarding rail lines and tracks, but they were not transferred to OpenRailMap, as I was expecting. In fact, my main goal was to update data to Open Railway Map, but as I knew that map is updated through Open Street Map, I tried to provide this data through that way. That never happened though. What did go wrong?

asked 05 Sep '21, 08:08

Thanosmed's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Are you referring to this?

This appears on OpenRailwayMap for me, so I don't think there is any problem. Maybe a delay on the OpenRailwayMap side or a caching issue on your side.

(For future reference, when asking for help please provide links to specific objects you are asking about, as I have done above. Or to the changeset, e.g. . It is much easier to help if we don't have to spend time looking for the objects being asked about).

permanent link

answered 07 Sep '21, 08:53

alan_gr's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 07 Sep '21, 08:58

Yes show up fine in ? Different styles have different line widths. More off-topic pointer is don't add descriptive labels to name=, unless it's really called that.

(07 Sep '21, 17:32) Kovoschiz

Have you referred to the "Last update" time at the upper left corner?

permanent link

answered 05 Sep '21, 09:00

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

I did. The last update has been done after my changes. Some of the changes I had made, the tiny ones, such as point settings on yards and buildings, have passed to Open Railway Map too, but the most important changes, like the new tracks I had drawn, have not.

(05 Sep '21, 21:07) Thanosmed

Could you give an example of one of these changes? Maybe looking at the data would help someone to identify an issue.

(06 Sep '21, 10:47) alan_gr

As I said, the point setting has been successfully transferred. The issue is with the new tracks I drew. I actually tried to do some changes in the rail system of Athens, Greece. I drew one small spur line of Line 1 of the Athens Metro, with an autonomous tunnel of course, between Monastiraki and Omonia stations, about one square before Omonia station, with northern direction (located between the Athens City Hall and Likourgou St.). I also drew two abandoned double tram tracks of the old, historic Athens Tram. The first one crosses almost the whole pedestrian area of Makrigianni St., right in front of the main entrance of the Acropolis Museum. This special, old, double track has been remained in its place and set as part of the general architectural synthesis of the Museum's pedestrian area, to be showcased as an historical monument of Athens. The second abandoned double tram track I drew crosses the whole Pesmazoglou St. in the centre of Athens. All these lines have been successfully drawn in Open Street Map days ago, but they do not pass to Open Railway Map, although marked with rail-related labels. I've given up the effort to draw more tracks, as it's pointless for now.

(06 Sep '21, 21:16) Thanosmed

What is "marked with rail-related labels"? The background is not the same as OpenRailwayMap's overlay. You need force refresh ([Shift]+[R]) to flush the cache in order to download the newly rendered tiles.

(07 Sep '21, 17:36) Kovoschiz

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question asked: 05 Sep '21, 08:08

question was seen: 1,750 times

last updated: 07 Sep '21, 17:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum