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i have installed GPSMid with a map of Israel on my phone (Nokia N78). As far as i don't speak (and can't even read much) Hebrew, i would like to change the language of the map to English, like here:

In the maps XML source, the english tags are existent, but by default, GPSMid only shows Hebrew tags.

How can i switch to english tags?

Thank you, barny

asked 26 Sep '11, 21:06

barny2507's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

To change the language, you need to use OSM2GpsMid to build a GpsMid midlet yourself, using a customised style file. See the page on the GpsMid wiki for Style-File Documentation.

Basically, you can get a copy of the default GpsMid style, then open it in a text editor. The name for each object is set with the namekey tag. In the standard style, this will be something like <namekey tag = "name"/>, which means it will use the name tag from the OSM data, ie the default/local name. To change this to use English language names, you will have to change it to <namekey tag = "name:en"/>. So you can use the find and replace in your text editor to change all of these. You may also want to specify something for the namefallback tag, so it will just display the default name if the object isn't tagged with an English language name.

You then you have to modify your OSM2GpsMid properties file to tell it to use your modified style file. See Properties file. Basically add line that says something like style-file = mystyle.xml. Or just use the OSM2GpsMid GUI, and choose the option for "Load custom style file"

Then run OSM2GpsMid, using the GUI if you want, see instructions at Getting started. And use it to produce your midlet, which you can then load onto your phone. And you should have a map with English language names.

permanent link

answered 26 Sep '11, 23:33

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 26 Sep '11, 21:06

question was seen: 5,058 times

last updated: 26 Sep '11, 23:33

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