I have a relation with route=detour and type=route. In the relation are several segments with "forward" declaration. When doing a validation JOSM marks all these with a warning: Role "forward" is not among expected values. If change the route to "road" or delete the forward's warnings disappear Is this a bug? |
The wiki article for route=detour is a bit light on information and doesn't specify any role types. The JOSM validator is probably basing its response on that premise. That being said, I don't see why you shouldn't use "forward" or "backward" roles if the detour is only in one direction. Those roles are often used on road, public transport, and other route relations to indicate a single direction, so it would make sense to use them for detours too. I'd say you could just ignore the warnings, and maybe report it to the JOSM maintainers to see if they'll update the validator. Thanks for your response! I think it's bug in the validator, and I will ignore the warning. But it's always nice to have clean validation without any warnings (and errors).
(31 Aug '21, 18:52)