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Hi everyone. For a few weeks or so I have encountered a problem when clicking on the edit button on

As set in my user preferences the edit request is passed to JOSM and JOSM downloads the data as it should. Nevertheless, if the data quantity is on the larger side I always get a pop-up on the website telling me that JOSM could not be started. It is the same error message that appears when JOSM is not running. If the data quantity is smaller this does not happen. Without me knowing what communication is going on between the browser and JOSM it appears to me that JOSM only acknowledges the download request once the data has been downloaded completely. If that download takes a bit longer the browser quits waiting and issues the error message.

I don't recall this has ever happened before. It happens with Opera and with Firefox and JOSM 18004 (and I believe some earlier version, I update irregularly)

Any hints what I might need to change in either application?

asked 31 Aug '21, 14:56

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

I don't know what's causing that behaviour but I often see the same error message. The data downloads to JOSM okay so I've just ignored reporting it. I always run the latest version of JOSM (currently v.18118) but it's happened with several older versions as well.

(31 Aug '21, 15:06) AlaskaDave

If you mean "Editing failed - make sure JOSM or Merkaartor is loaded and that the remote control option is enabled" then I've had that for ages using Opera and Windows 10 using the dropdown "Edit with Remote Control" option rather than my current default (iD). Not always - if I have a data layer already open in JOSM and add only a small bit to it, things seem OK, so figure there is some low response timeout I very rarely beat.

(31 Aug '21, 15:08) EdLoach ♦

I see the same in Potlatch3 and have similarly ignored it, because the invoking of the editor in the right place seems to work.

(31 Aug '21, 15:14) SomeoneElse ♦

That's the message EdLoach.

So I'm not alone. Strange that I have never seen that before until recently.

(31 Aug '21, 16:19) TZorn

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question asked: 31 Aug '21, 14:56

question was seen: 730 times

last updated: 31 Aug '21, 16:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum