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I tried to get a route and found an error here.

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asked 29 Aug '21, 23:26

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

OSRM router now working as expected. and Graphopper just now.

(01 Sep '21, 08:38) andy mackey

GraphHopper Does not work East to West 03/09/2021 a hadn't tested the routing in both directions, sorry.

(03 Sep '21, 07:39) andy mackey

That must be a glitch or bug in GraphHopper. There is now really nothing left that could prevent routing. Maybe GraphHopper is wrongly evaluating the no u-turn restriction.

(03 Sep '21, 14:17) TZorn

How can we find and replicate that error some where else on the OSM. And then report it to GraphHopper?

(03 Sep '21, 14:31) andy mackey

Graphhopper routes correctly now both ways. Something must have lagged in the data processing.

(06 Sep '21, 09:04) TZorn

I tested GraphHopper was working as expected early on 04/09/21, it was,and their algorithm had needed time to calculate both directions i guess. I shows how smart routing engine programmers need to be. Incidentally I travelled this road later that day as a passenger, The turn restrictions are solid white lines and a hatched virtual island at the node in question, I didn't see any other signage, which it doesn't need of course. On my PC later, running Potlatch, I could just about see the virtual traffic island on Bing.

(06 Sep '21, 10:25) andy mackey
showing 5 of 7 show 2 more comments

Hi andy mackey, there is one point on this road with a lot of turnrestrictions with the effect that you cannot go anywhere (?) It maybe an error : restriction=no_straight_on

User eteb3 changeset 94956680

Turn restrictions at London Rock quarry turn nr Warmington ; add bldg; add operator at quarry

I'm in The Netherlands and not familiar with the situation The solution is to delete this relation, Imo hth Gys

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answered 30 Aug '21, 06:48

Gys%20de%20Jongh's gravatar image

Gys de Jongh
accept rate: 16%

I'm also suspicious of the same tagging, but wasn't sure late last night, thanks Gys de Jongh

(30 Aug '21, 08:52) andy mackey

HELP please we are not sure :-)

(30 Aug '21, 17:27) andy mackey

eteb3 has deleted 3 turn restrictions a few hours back. Now it looks good to me.

(30 Aug '21, 21:59) TZorn

Thanks etab3

(31 Aug '21, 08:48) andy mackey

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question asked: 29 Aug '21, 23:26

question was seen: 1,419 times

last updated: 06 Sep '21, 10:25

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