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If a road is indicated as something like "County Road 40½" should it be named

  • County Road 40½
  • County Road 40 1/2
  • County Road 40.5

It would seem that each of these could be search possibilities. And of course the first one looks the best but would it easily be searchable where 40.5 probably would be easiest if not ugly.

Should these extra names be in alt_name or ref? What about buildings along the road, should their addresses contain the unicode or the typed out fractions?

(As a joke, of course don't use County Road 81/2 ... :))

asked 29 Aug '21, 00:55

gpserror's gravatar image

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edited 29 Aug '21, 00:57

Definitely not "40.5"... For your interest, my place uses (U+2013: EN DASH) for name:en= in cases where it's not a hyphenated word.

(29 Aug '21, 10:49) Kovoschiz

While 40.5 is very ugly, "40 and a half" is probably the actual designation. Typically it is actually halfway between road 40 and road 41. 40.5 unfortunately is easy to type and search for exact name matches and the 1/2 will tend to screw up partial and fuzzy name searches.

The main reason I'm also against 40.5 is that I've seen "third" road names which has no finite length decimal expansion notation. Luckily third does have unicode, but there's no certainty each fraction has a unicode equivalent, so only the slash notation is clearest.

I don't recall seeing anything divided more than fourths or fifths so perhaps doing 1/17 won't be a concern.

(29 Aug '21, 20:32) gpserror

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question asked: 29 Aug '21, 00:55

question was seen: 794 times

last updated: 29 Aug '21, 20:32

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