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I have just finished mapping over 550 Hutterite Colonies. If you don’t know what that it, it is an intentional rural community that cannot rightly be called farm, hamlet, village, or town.

So I discovered someone has already used a tag that has not been properly added into the database called “community”

So I used it. The only issue is that because the tag has not been accepted, it does not show up in any of the offline maps.

Can someone help?

asked 25 Aug '21, 14:49

tschettervictor's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Aug '21, 14:49


If it is an " it is an intentional rural community" why, in OSM terms, is it not a "farm, hamlet, village, or town"?

(25 Aug '21, 14:56) SomeoneElse ♦

In addition to Someelse's comment, note that not all objects are rendered on OSM, nor should they be. Remember, anybody can create a new tag — it's part of the nature of OSM to allow mappers to create new tags — but whether it renders or not depends on other factors such as acceptance by the rest of OSM. If every new tag were rendered immediately it would require an entire staff of dedicated geographers, linguists, etc., to verify and validate them.

If you really need to see those "communities" on a useful map, you might consider creating your own maps using OSM data.

(25 Aug '21, 15:07) AlaskaDave

The reason is that none of the mentioned places describes them.

They have churches and major infrastructure

(25 Aug '21, 15:17) tschettervictor

Don't read any descriptions you found too literally. Just apply common sense and take what comes closest.

If those communities have or have not churches but only few shops or restaurants and people would regularly go the next bigger settlement for shopping or leisure make them place=village. If they have more shops and smaller amenities and people can get most things they need for daily life make them place=town. If they even have museums, theaters, major public services etc. make them place=city. No need for an additional tag.

All this applies to any settlement, Hutterite or not.

(25 Aug '21, 16:04) TZorn

Ok sure.

They are basically a community of people living together on a farm and providing for each other. There are no shops or any of that. Kind of like a big family (50 to 100 people)

Is there a way I could mass edit their tags instead of now having to find all 557 of them and individually change their tags?

(25 Aug '21, 19:07) tschettervictor

I'm simply watching, here. Fascinating.

(27 Aug '21, 02:12) stevea

What would you suggest?😁

(27 Aug '21, 02:34) tschettervictor
showing 5 of 7 show 2 more comments

For you most recent comment:

  1. That's usually a place=hamlet when it is an individual settlement on its own, not part of a wider village. Otherwise if it's more of a "community" inside another (as you may have wondered), it may be a =farm. (needs more details or case-by-case consideration)
  2. You can query node[place]({{bbox}})(user:"tschettervictor"); in Overpass Turbo for the points last edited by you in the areas you are working on.
permanent link

answered 26 Aug '21, 06:44

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 25 Aug '21, 14:49

question was seen: 959 times

last updated: 27 Aug '21, 05:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum