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I used this tutorial to setup an OSM tile server in Ubuntu 20.04, and that is currently working.

I am now following this tutorial to setup a nominatim reverse geocoding server on the same machine.

But the database names seems to be different, but I should not have 2 databases with the same data I downloaded from GeoFabrik, right?

So is it somehow possible to run a tile server and reverse geocoding server using the same instance and the same data on the database? Or is there a rule of thumb which states that you should never run both servers/services on the same machine/database?

Thank you.

asked 25 Aug '21, 10:42

KoenMlt's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The tile server and nominating don't use the same database schema, so you can't use the same database for both.

Depending on the load of your server, hosting both on the same machine could work. You don't want to import both databases at the same time though.


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answered 25 Aug '21, 12:20

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Makes sense, thank you for your answer!

(25 Aug '21, 12:24) KoenMlt

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question asked: 25 Aug '21, 10:42

question was seen: 1,709 times

last updated: 25 Aug '21, 12:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum