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I'd like feedback on moving a feature, a library actually. The library is named the "Betty Hageman Memorial Library" and its OSM tags indicate it was sourced from USGS Geonames. Its gnis:feature_id tag is 1799662. On OSM its location doesn't match the USGS lat, long listed for the Geoname link:here I can't find any information about this library and suspect it may be obsolete but instead of removing it, I'd at least like to move its OSM location to the lat, long that corresponds to the USGS database. Is there any problem that you all can see? If not, is there an easy way of positioning it in OSM using the lat, long coordinates directly?

asked 24 Aug '21, 21:27

mccarbc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Aug '21, 21:27

I've contacted the last updater who had moved the location apparently inadvertently. We agreed to move it back to the USGS location.

permanent link

answered 25 Aug '21, 00:39

mccarbc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 24 Aug '21, 21:27

question was seen: 616 times

last updated: 25 Aug '21, 00:39

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