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When you export bookmarks from either or organic maps a "link" is sent via email that the recipient can select to automatically open the file in Organic aps, MAPS.ME Guru Maps, Gaia GPS but not OSMAND. The file sent is apparently not a normal .kmz or .kml How can I save the link as .kmz or .kml which I know how to use. I would like to import the file to JOSM as a gpx layer or to open the file in Google Maps or UMAP

asked 24 Aug '21, 12:34

Alan01730's gravatar image

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I just saved a bookmarks file (".kmz") from to my local phone folder, pushed it over to my Windows PC and opened it successfully in JOSM. It also opened successfully in OSMAnd (from my phone's file explorer). What is not working exactly? Maybe something went wrong when "a "link" is sent via email".

(24 Aug '21, 14:20) TZorn

My Anroid version of MAPS.ME does not have an option to save bookmarks. The options are SORT, SHARING OPTIONS, EXPORT FILE, lIST SETTINGS AND DELETE LIST

(24 Aug '21, 18:23) Alan01730

Well, clicking on the export file option gives me various options, among them saving into the cloud, sharing with my file manager to save locally and attaching the file to an email.

(24 Aug '21, 21:14) TZorn

TZom, I found the answer for my Pixel 5 Android phone. Thanks for your advice, it forced me to dig deeper. The answer is to install an app to allow sharing a file. The Android OS is not outwardly file based. There is no innate capability in Android to save files to a filesystem. Applications by themselves may optionally implement a file based solution, but some may not. Sometimes the only way to save files in an application is by sharing them to other applications. For example, if there is an .kmz generated by an application, I have share that .kmz to e-mail, e-mail it to myself, and then save the file attachment in my downloads folder. This is a lot of steps just to save a file. The "Share to File System" application makes it easy for you to save files to the file system without having to rely on a lot of steps to save a file. This application allows you to save files directly to the file system using android's share dialog.

(24 Aug '21, 21:53) Alan01730

I installed "Share to File System" app which allows me to "share" the file to the phones download folder on my Pixel 5.

permanent link

answered 24 Aug '21, 21:55

Alan01730's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 24 Aug '21, 12:34

question was seen: 10,027 times

last updated: 24 Aug '21, 21:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum