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I need to map a U-turn, like the one in the picture:alt text

This is a residential highway, in Bogota, Colombia, where "Calle"s go from east to west, and "Carrera"s go from north to south. I need to put the name to this U-turn, because a Residential highway should have a name, otherwise this will be considered as an error. However, this particular U-turn actually goes from east to west, and I am not sure if I should put the name of the Carrera for the U-turn, even if this goes against the definition of Carrera that go from north to south.

In fact, I need to put a name because Residential highway should have one. However, I do not know which one to put. Also, I will not have that problem if residential_link would exist.

asked 24 Aug '21, 05:20

AngocA's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

a Residential highway should have a name, otherwise this will be considered as an error

Whatever is telling you that is wrong. There is no rule that a residential highway has to have a name.

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answered 24 Aug '21, 09:15

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%


Yes, "warning"s are warnings only, not an "error". Add noname=yes for this, to satisfy the validators too.

(25 Aug '21, 05:34) Kovoschiz

Please don't add noname=yes or any other tags just to satisfy a validation tool. If you are unsure what the name is then just leave name blank. "noname=yes` should only be added if it is clear there is no name.

(25 Aug '21, 07:44) TZorn

I intentionally worded that after a comma with a "too" to avoid your "just to" comment. It seems obvious OP is troubled by the knowledge that this road has no name. If this is known, this could be added readily to avoid bothering the next uploader. I have already made it clear to be cautious against validators in the opening.

(25 Aug '21, 15:19) Kovoschiz

If this stretch of road is primarily a junction to turn into/from the building access to the west I would leave it as it is, i.e. as a highway=service.

If it is primarily a u turn opportunity you can chose to promote it to highway=residential. Remember to split the way at the appropriate location. In that case I would name it as Carrera 21 as it clearly belongs to that road then. As Richard mention it is no error to leave it unnamed. On the other hand routers might produce clearer turn-by-turn instructions if Carrera 21 is in place.

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answered 24 Aug '21, 11:56

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Routing seems to work Ok. See link in comment. Maybe a name on the service road to the west would help with the route instructions. For example do a uturn at name of side road.

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answered 24 Aug '21, 12:04

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 24 Aug '21, 16:35

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question asked: 24 Aug '21, 05:20

question was seen: 1,617 times

last updated: 25 Aug '21, 15:38

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