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Hi! Im wondering since a long time how to find for examle, simbols of all view points, or all picnic spots, but in a bigger area. When looking for a path been really close one can start seen view points, fire spots... monuments... or whatever. But only in a small area. What I want is to search a simbol in a big square km area... or in a part of a country... is possible? :-) thank you!

asked 23 Aug '21, 18:51

David%20Sua's gravatar image

David Sua
accept rate: 0%


Try overpass-turbo, e.g.,

(23 Aug '21, 19:41) SK53 ♦

that was usefull! :-) I tried to find other things but dont know how to use it, can you help me a little more? how can I do to find other simbols? thank you!

(23 Aug '21, 21:24) David Sua

Not sure if you want to do that within a certain app. If not...

There are web sites like POI Map where you can do that. Also many smartphone apps like, Locus or OSMAnd support POI search and visualization.

permanent link

answered 23 Aug '21, 21:14

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

I want to find with open street maps, but I will take a look to this apps as well, thank you

(23 Aug '21, 21:20) David Sua

Those maps/apps are based on OpenStreetMap (Locus depending on the used map layer).

(23 Aug '21, 22:57) TZorn

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question asked: 23 Aug '21, 18:51

question was seen: 882 times

last updated: 23 Aug '21, 22:57

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