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Hi, We encountered islands of Vietnam that are inside China's borders. We have OSM installed localy. How can we change our local map so the islands will be in Vietnam's borders? How can we change our local map labels text language to be in Vietnamese instead Chinese in those islands?

Thank you.

asked 23 Aug '21, 08:57

ChenCogn's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

How can we do it with osm2pgsql? there is guide for changing the imposm style ?

(26 Aug '21, 09:14) ChenCogn

For the basic policy on such matters see

If you have a local OSM database that you use for map rendering changing what is used for name rendering should be comparatively simple (use the name:vi tags instead of name for example). Changing the borders is slightly more involved but possible, but naturally the details depend strongly on what kind of setup you actually have.

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answered 23 Aug '21, 09:34

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 23 Aug '21, 09:56

TZorn's gravatar image


The questions would seem to be outside of what is suitable for this site, I would suggest asking on imposm and nominatim spedific fora (I could help with osm2pgsql).

Just changing the name tags used should be a small thing (change the imposm style and maybe what is imported). Changing the borders is slightly more involved.

(25 Aug '21, 12:50) SimonPoole ♦

Thank you for the quick response. We are using Mapnik, Imposm and Nominatim as part of the package installation and deployment.

Are there guide regarding how to perform those changes?

How to use use the name:vi tags instead of name when searching? how to make it the default?

How can we change the titles both in en and vi?

How can we change the Borders using one of the Components that are installed?

Should we make the change using: DB data, local files, api?

(26 Aug '21, 06:55) ChenCogn

How can we do it with osm2pgsql? there is guide for changing the imposm style ?

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answered 26 Aug '21, 15:01

ChenCogn's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Name changes can be fairly straightforward using LUA. For distinct boundaries which are different from those in OSM, the approach taken by PlaneMad for India is probably what you need. I'll try & find the link & more info later today.

(26 Aug '21, 15:11) SK53 ♦

PlaneMads diary at describes it (in the middle). (So that you, SK53, won't have to search for the link.)

(27 Aug '21, 09:24) Spiekerooger

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question asked: 23 Aug '21, 08:57

question was seen: 1,267 times

last updated: 27 Aug '21, 09:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum