How would I tag a University shuttle (students and staff) service? I've only added one master route with its associated relations thus far. Is asked 21 Aug '21, 12:06 arkriger |
This is an aspect of public transport which is definitely undermapped. There was quite a detailed breakdown written a few years ago, which was never taken forward: This is probably the best place to start. The only tag which seems to be in use is public_transport:type, which may be a little general (how many school only trains or tram services exist?). 'school=yes' is a poorly defined tag & I would avoid it, and definitely if it is for a university. At least here (Nottingham) we have the following university associated services:
I'm also aware of universities which are slightly remote from railway stations have a dedicated shuttle for that purpose (Edge Hill University in Ormskirk), which might be a different type of service again. Essentially these services are access=private, in the same way as workplace shuttle buses. I think suitable operator or brand tags are important (and some judicious choice may be needed if the university sub-contracts out the service, but brands it & provision is via a university card). answered 21 Aug '21, 13:14 SK53 ♦
Thank you.
(21 Aug '21, 19:24)
There's a random
(22 Aug '21, 10:27)
Thank you.
(22 Aug '21, 13:45)