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1) How do I turn off all the orange bubbles that litter the map. Is there a filter that can be applied, to show only specific categories? 2) What does the orange '3324km' with an upward pointing arrow indicate to the right of a search listing? Obviously it doesn't mean the location is at that altitude. 3) Is there a setting to include the area name for search listing results? So that I don't have to go to and from the pages of several places which share the same name, just to find out the one I want to select?

Many thanks.

asked 21 Aug '21, 11:19

87s's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


It would really help to know which map you are looking at and which app you are using. Nothing rings a bell for me from your descriptions.

(21 Aug '21, 11:22) SK53 ♦

Guess this is about OSMAnd. Please specify this info next time. The "orangebubbles" tag is pretty much useless.
1. The orange buttons can be switched in the POI Overlay in the Configure Map globe button top-left corner
2. The arrow means the cardinal direction with reference to your location. No idea what orange means. Against your last known position?
3. Try Show On Map?

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answered 22 Aug '21, 10:23

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 22 Aug '21, 10:24

Hi, If you're meaning the red bubbles with a white plus sign in them, (map notes on the main OSM map page). They can be turned off in the layers menu, by clicking the layers symbol on the right of the screen then unticking map notes.

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answered 22 Aug '21, 07:45

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 21 Aug '21, 11:19

question was seen: 912 times

last updated: 22 Aug '21, 10:24

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