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When I click "Add Note" the note appears right in the centre of the map window, rather than where the cursor is. I cannot then move the note to position it correctly. I try to click on it to move it, but the whole map moves. I've tried double click, CTRL-click, and still it is stuck in position. I also cannot delete it. I am using the normal map viewing window, not the editor.

I am on Firefox on a Mac. I am logged in.

Any ideas? Is it possible to move a note? How do I position it correctly?

asked 20 Aug '21, 13:54

JaneSketching's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I've never used a macintosh, which we'll need to wait someone who does to answer this. However on Linux/Windows you can click on the blue "+" note and then drag it where you'd like. On my Android phone I can see similar issues, it's very clunky but you can also touch the blue "+" and then touch-drag the marker to move it. This is very unwieldy on Android unfortunately but appears to work.

If you decide not to put the note in, you can just click on the x on the upper right of the new note pane. Finding the "x" to close the "new note" is especially tricky on the android browser.

(29 Aug '21, 01:09) gpserror

No, you can't move a note. Resolve it, and add a new one in the correct location.

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answered 20 Aug '21, 14:02

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%


I think the OP means that they can't reposition the blue marker with the plus icon, i.e. before the note is created. On my system it can be repositioned by click-dragging the blue marker.

(20 Aug '21, 15:20) Andy Allan

Ah - that makes more sense. There have been other issues reported with the library that OSM uses to display maps on Macs. I can't test it myself, but perhaps it's related to that.

(20 Aug '21, 15:29) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 20 Aug '21, 13:54

question was seen: 1,311 times

last updated: 29 Aug '21, 01:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum