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I am trying to find a mapping tool/website that allows user-created maps (like Umap: that:

  1. has a snapping to roads/paths feature; and
  2. allows multiple routes to be shown on the same map.

Routing would be handy but not necessary.

I've had a look through this list and tried them out but none seem to be suitable:

Any leads or pointers would be appreciated muchly!

asked 19 Aug '21, 23:24

philam48's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Aug '21, 00:30

I've discovered recently FacilMap, which does that, among a lot of other convenient things.

You create a new map (in collaborative maps), and then any route that you calculate, you get a "add to the map" button !


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answered 31 Aug '21, 17:55

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 31 Aug '21, 17:55

Absolute legend, that's exactly what I needed. Thank you!

(31 Aug '21, 23:49) philam48

It will probably be a two-step process. You'd have to use a trip planning site first to generate the path (one at a time), export from there, and then import into Umap for display and styling.

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answered 20 Aug '21, 10:45

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

That's my backup plan, but would be kind of fiddly and just checking to see if there's any product out there that would allow me to do it all in the same place and save me some time.

(21 Aug '21, 07:16) philam48

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question asked: 19 Aug '21, 23:24

question was seen: 1,885 times

last updated: 31 Aug '21, 23:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum