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My query is to the Rockingham Lakes Regional Park article on the English Wikipedia. Despite Relation: Rockingham Lakes Regional Park (6988589) having the correct Wikidata connection to Q75974931 the map is not displaying in the article. I have compared it to the Beeliar Regional Park English Wikipedia article (linked in Relation: Beeliar Regional Park (12893898) to Wikidata item Q21970741), where the relevant map displays correctly but can't see a fundamental difference on OSM. The only possible explanation that I could come up with is that Q75974931 is linked to more then one OSM item and thereby causing a conflict but I don't know how to search for such a conflict, if it does exist. Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.

asked 19 Aug '21, 15:09

Calistemon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Hi. The park is present in OSM and also shows up on the map embedded in its Wikidata page. You should ask this question to the Wikipedia community.

(19 Aug '21, 20:57) TZorn

I don't think it is a Wikipedia issue. What you are referring to on Wikidata is the map in coordinate location which is just simply created by the coordinates in there. It is a separate feature from displaying the map with boundaries on the article page.

(20 Aug '21, 03:23) Calistemon

I don't follow. Do you see anything wrong with Rockingham Lakes Regional Park on If so tell us what.

The talk page of the Mapframe template is full of bug reports like yours. I would check there first how OSM data is retrieved and used.

(20 Aug '21, 09:11) TZorn

Because the issue is not limited to the mapframe template. If I substitute it for Infobox Australian place which (to my knowledge) does not use the mapframe template, I still don't get the map to display. And because it also exists in the Jandakot Regional Park article. It may be a Wikipedia issue, it might be a Wikidata issue or it could be an OSM issue. I can't spot anything wrong with the first two and I lack the experience to interrogate the third, so I came here to see if anybody has any ideas on this end.

(20 Aug '21, 14:56) Calistemon

The wikidata item you mention only occurs once according to taginfo.

I don't know how sensitive the wikipedia map tool is to invalid polygons, but there is a small chance the touching rings may be an issue.

permanent link

answered 19 Aug '21, 16:40

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

edited 19 Aug '21, 16:57

Thank you for checking the tag, at least that eliminates one potential issue. It is definitely an OSM issue, as I can make the Beeliar Regional Park map appear on the Rockingham page on show preview. The Jandakot Regional Park has a similar issue, the map won't display either when I try, despite the correct link in Relation: Jandakot Regional Park (3481030). It is a real shame as these OSM maps add great value but, if I can't get them to work I will have to remove them from the article. Thank you for looking into it!

(20 Aug '21, 03:19) Calistemon

I've unglued those polygons (there's a road between them; I think the boundaries of both bits of the park should be either side of the road anyway). Let's see if that makes a difference.

(20 Aug '21, 06:25) samwilson

Just as an update, I did not check the Rockingham Lakes article for quite a while but eventually went back in early October at the OSM map was displaying correctly again. I have no clue as to what fixed the issue but fixed it is.

(20 Oct '21, 06:52) Calistemon

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question asked: 19 Aug '21, 15:09

question was seen: 1,359 times

last updated: 20 Oct '21, 06:52

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