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I just wanted to get a clarification the copyright rules and the tile usage policy.

I would like to make maps in QGIS by extracting vector layers from OSM. The maps would be a part of a guidebook, and would be marked up with additional points of interest (in illustrator). The guidebook would be a printed, commercial publication.

I wanted to check whether I can do that using the OSM vector layers, as long as I acknowledge OSM and the licence? My understanding is that those maps would be then published under the same licence (i.e. others would be free to distribute them as long as they acknowledge the source?

Does ( and if so, how) the tile usage policy apply to this type of work too?


asked 18 Aug '21, 15:39

kmz1's gravatar image

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If you haven't already seen them you may find the Licence and Legal FAQ and Community Guidelines helpful.

(18 Aug '21, 18:42) InsertUser

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question asked: 18 Aug '21, 15:39

question was seen: 827 times

last updated: 18 Aug '21, 18:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum