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Hi everyone!

There is a bridge in Parnu, which is close 7pm-5am Aug 16-30 due to construction works. What's the common way of mapping this kind of information? Is there something like "conditional construction"? So far, I understand that the construction tag restricts access by default. How it would work if we add conditional access and construction tags in parallel. How OSRM routing will treat it?


asked 18 Aug '21, 09:45

Bolt001's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

  1. Short term works is not represented. The situation should last eg at least several months to be considered for inclusion.
  2. *:conditional= is a regular, recurring restriction. Not one-off. It makes things messy to mix non-permanent events in it.
  3. I doubt if any routers support temporary:construction=* @ (2021 Aug 16-30 19:00-05:00) temporary:access=no @ (2021 Aug 16-30 19:00-05:00) yet.
permanent link

answered 19 Aug '21, 00:27

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 19 Aug '21, 00:36

So, basically there's no way to map such restrictions? there's another case as well, where the crossing is restricted only for cars until 31.10.2021 6pm-6am:

(20 Aug '21, 08:52) Bolt001

It is possible to map such cases with conditional restrictions. The point is that we do not want to map such short term restrictions which lie within regular update circles of data consumers like routing apps.

(20 Aug '21, 09:15) TZorn

1. It's not "no way" to OSM. The cause is applications using OSM data usually don't update their data very frequently (even if they are not reviewed and directly used), so better keep these limited-time changes separate to avoid unintended problems. You would want to ask for the software you are using to support temporary:*=.
2. This one you can add motor_vehicle:conditional=no @ (18:00-06:00), but you must remember to change it back. (Which is another factor not favoring maintenance of shorter period data)
3. Although has a motor_vehicle:conditional=no @ (2018 May 22-2018 Oct 7) example, this is argued against in .

(21 Aug '21, 08:06) Kovoschiz

Thank you a lot: @TZorn and @Kovoschiz

(23 Aug '21, 12:55) Bolt001

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question asked: 18 Aug '21, 09:45

question was seen: 1,320 times

last updated: 23 Aug '21, 12:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum