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Please help me making a query towards Overpass API. As input I'd like to give two coordinates and as output I'd like to get driving distance.

cURL example would be much appreciated, but anything goes.

asked 14 Aug '21, 11:48

Ehitajah2rra's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Overpass cannot do that. You need a routing engine like Graphhopper or OSRM. You can install these programs on your own server(s) if you need to make a lot of requests, but if you're just making a few you can use the free public instances. For OSRM, see which has working curl examples. For Graphhopper, see

permanent link

answered 14 Aug '21, 12:40

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thank You so much!

(14 Aug '21, 13:40) Ehitajah2rra

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question asked: 14 Aug '21, 11:48

question was seen: 2,502 times

last updated: 14 Aug '21, 13:40

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