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I have a list of stuff in a spreadsheet that I want to send periodically to u-map. I can get different symbols for different types of POI by splitting the data into several chunks and sending each group to a different layer, but that's a fuiter. Can I specify layers, colours symbols in the CSV?

asked 12 Aug '21, 15:05

David_J_Edge's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I don't think umap can interpret the csv as you would like.

But there are various import/export functions, with gpx, kml and umap own format (based on geojson). Maybe you can convert your csv to one of these format, I know that the kml export keep the styling options of the object, so I guess the import function should do as well.

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answered 13 Aug '21, 16:41

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Thanks both

My U-Map now has two layers; "uploaded" w layerhich is always replaced and "manual" where I add items directly to a map. What I need to develop then is either a painless way of parsing the spreadsheet to kml and ideally decrypting the kml of the "manual" back into the spreadsheet. I'm wondering if there is some tool that I can use to replace the spreadsheet and edit my tabular data (manual edits) and just spit it out as geojson, or whatever. I can't believe I am the only person who has wanted to produce a spatial representation of a table of data overlayed on a map.

(16 Aug '21, 11:07) David_J_Edge

I guess QGis could fit your bill, there a tabular edit mode. But it's not so easy to master.

Otherwise, depending your exact needs, you could get rid of your spreadsheet altogether, and let your user edit the data directly. In UMap it is not easy, but there are other software, I think mainly of GogoCarto which is made for collaborative editing of geographical data, with validation, admin rights, and so on. Really easy to use for the basic user.

(19 Aug '21, 13:04) H_mlet

I don't think you can split a file between layers. But according to the help texts in the edit sidebar you should be able to change the icon by supplying parameters from the file into the symbol URL. If you try to edit the icon of a node there is a possibility to add a URL instead of choosing a icon. The help text says you can use something like{name}.png there. I've never tried this.

There is an open Github issue requesting a parameter for the color.

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answered 13 Aug '21, 21:45

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 12 Aug '21, 15:05

question was seen: 1,625 times

last updated: 19 Aug '21, 13:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum